Wow. I just read JU-ON the manga Becca got me for my B-Day. Holy frick it's creepy, the graphic ness of the death scenes.... at one point the daughter who has just been attacked by cat's comes home and is missing her jaw, so her mother snaps and starts to cut her up and cook her in a stu pot. when the father gets home all he see's is the top of his daughters head resting on the counter while his wife is cutting carrots and mixing them in with the stu. His wife then starts to chop up her own arm :S fucking sick book.
I love it
I love it
*sigh* Why didn't I just get you the Care Bears coloring book like I had originally planned?
And WHY do I always manage to get my male friends/family members things that are much more bloody/gory/graphic/heads-flying-off-ish than I intend?
Still, I'm happy you like it. Oh, and remind me later...I have a cd to burn for you.
Love you!
becca, at Sun Apr 16, 11:14:00 p.m.
That.... is super sick....
Dez Dez, at Mon Apr 17, 10:25:00 p.m.
you know whats worse? here eyes are WIDE open. the daughters.
oh and the father comes home and sais wow, dinner smells good, before he see's the kitchen :S
Phil, at Tue Apr 18, 10:43:00 a.m.
another i must force to post at bannana point (party on the 25 my house)
safromhell, at Tue Apr 18, 10:28:00 p.m.
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