
Monday, March 20, 2006

Oh how I love thee, Denny's

Ok. I'm far to tired to thing properly so im just going to say. $170.00 this weekend. Including thursday. **Fucking sweet** This is so needed it's not even funny. Also I ended up working 12 hours today (Sunday) and selling 1184.00 yeay me. sold over 1000 2 days in a row, and I only had to work splits... fuck splits splits fucking suck. you work just long enough to be tired, then you get just enough time off to *start* to relax then you have to work till you get tired again. THEN you start at 8am the next day only getting 4 hours of sleep, then you get off at 3:30pm and THEN you start at 9pm again and dont get off until just after 2am.... ok i have no idea whats going on anymore and I can't lift my head all the way up and I honestly just drooled on myself. good night


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