My Ribs are so sore from the "Ice Hill of Death or at Least Injury" a.k.a. Rainbow Park, and I think I re-injured one of my leg muscles. It was just getting better too. I'd say what ahppened last night but I'm too lazy so go read this "http://dezdezdez.blogspot.com/" it's the post titled "Fuckin A" thanks for typing it for me Dez. Oh and I did win bowling. I had 116 and everyone else was under 100 :P pwned. (I wasnt really trying either haha)
Anyway time to go watch a movie with my sister. Ugh.. that means walking. god damn it.
Anyway time to go watch a movie with my sister. Ugh.. that means walking. god damn it.
i am now give you my blog http://safromhell.blogspot.com/
chris "the sa from hell"
safromhell, at Fri Mar 17, 10:56:00 p.m.
the last bog .... i have dsl and it wouldn't fast enough.... so nea i won't watch, cause i'm impatiant
safromhell, at Fri Mar 17, 11:01:00 p.m.
*sigh* i was ORIGINALLY winning for the record... meh, oh well. Sorry bout all your muscles, my good news is that none of my old injuries were bothered after that... just a whole bunch a new ones...
Dez Dez, at Sat Mar 18, 10:33:00 a.m.
holy crap dez post once please :P (I read you blog. yeay for tripple posting)
Phil, at Mon Mar 20, 02:29:00 a.m.
fine, I'll fix it :P
Dez Dez, at Mon Mar 20, 10:31:00 a.m.
but.. but... now its just two empty spaces :'(
Phil, at Tue Mar 21, 03:19:00 a.m.
there now "I" fixed it. yeay for SUPER BLOG ADMIN POWERS!
Phil, at Tue Mar 21, 03:20:00 a.m.
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