My Weekend
Well I sure did have an interesting weekend.
I woke up at 7am friday morning to be at work for 8am.. I worked until 5 and then went straight to TKD where I tought the class and after that I went with Mel, Cole, and Nick to the drive-in theatre. It's was cool, that was my first time ever going there. I must go again... but with who?? (Dun dun dunnn) anyway Mel brought me back to her place to drop me off at my car and we ended up talking until about 4:30 in the morning... thank you by the way that was very calming... and then by the time I got home it was 5am and I had to be up at 6am to be at work for 7am until 3pm...
After work on saturday (and only the 1 hour of sleep) I went home got ready picked up Jen and we were off to Williams Lake by 4pm... about half way to quesnel I was falling asleep driving.. literally I dont remember part of the drive from quesnel but apparently I was talking to Jen for most of it... so she gave me something to help keep me awake... and it's effect was VERY mild by the way, I forbid anyway to be mad a Jen, if she hadn't we wouldn't have made it on time or we would have crashed on the way... anyway it didn't have any effect like caffine.. I just felt awake, not twitchy or sugar highish just plain awake and alert... stopped in quesnel for food and then about half an hour after that I was falling asleep again so I took another wake up pill and I was fine until that night...
Which by the way was at 3am sunday morning.. had an OK time at the awards thing.. kinda got boring after the awards were all handed out and people were all talking with themselves cause Jen and I didn't know anyone.. but yea got to bed at 3am and woke up at 6:30 ish and were back on the road home by 8am... got home at 11:00 and I had to work at 12pm-8pm... that was fun..
I was falling asleep standing up and even walking so Emily handed me some caffine pills and said "I cup of coffee or two?" and I asked for 2 cups.. and took the pills with the cup of coffee I had in my hand lol... about an hour later I was zooming around all over the restaraunt and I was flirting with everyone at work.. especially Bev and Josh.. lol... silly caffine... stupid Phil...
Ended up staying an extra hour and a half waiting for a $150 table to leave.. got $10 from them... not 10% but better than nothing... and came home
I finally got to bed at 11:50 at which point I had only 4-5 hours of sleep spread out over 60 hours...
The lesson I've learned? Loving someone enough to travel to another city just to watch them perfom 1 show and then sortof hang out with them afterwards is really fun when you haven't slept.. and it makes it that much more meaning full for yourself when it's all over.
Time for sleep
I woke up at 7am friday morning to be at work for 8am.. I worked until 5 and then went straight to TKD where I tought the class and after that I went with Mel, Cole, and Nick to the drive-in theatre. It's was cool, that was my first time ever going there. I must go again... but with who?? (Dun dun dunnn) anyway Mel brought me back to her place to drop me off at my car and we ended up talking until about 4:30 in the morning... thank you by the way that was very calming... and then by the time I got home it was 5am and I had to be up at 6am to be at work for 7am until 3pm...
After work on saturday (and only the 1 hour of sleep) I went home got ready picked up Jen and we were off to Williams Lake by 4pm... about half way to quesnel I was falling asleep driving.. literally I dont remember part of the drive from quesnel but apparently I was talking to Jen for most of it... so she gave me something to help keep me awake... and it's effect was VERY mild by the way, I forbid anyway to be mad a Jen, if she hadn't we wouldn't have made it on time or we would have crashed on the way... anyway it didn't have any effect like caffine.. I just felt awake, not twitchy or sugar highish just plain awake and alert... stopped in quesnel for food and then about half an hour after that I was falling asleep again so I took another wake up pill and I was fine until that night...
Which by the way was at 3am sunday morning.. had an OK time at the awards thing.. kinda got boring after the awards were all handed out and people were all talking with themselves cause Jen and I didn't know anyone.. but yea got to bed at 3am and woke up at 6:30 ish and were back on the road home by 8am... got home at 11:00 and I had to work at 12pm-8pm... that was fun..
I was falling asleep standing up and even walking so Emily handed me some caffine pills and said "I cup of coffee or two?" and I asked for 2 cups.. and took the pills with the cup of coffee I had in my hand lol... about an hour later I was zooming around all over the restaraunt and I was flirting with everyone at work.. especially Bev and Josh.. lol... silly caffine... stupid Phil...
Ended up staying an extra hour and a half waiting for a $150 table to leave.. got $10 from them... not 10% but better than nothing... and came home
I finally got to bed at 11:50 at which point I had only 4-5 hours of sleep spread out over 60 hours...
The lesson I've learned? Loving someone enough to travel to another city just to watch them perfom 1 show and then sortof hang out with them afterwards is really fun when you haven't slept.. and it makes it that much more meaning full for yourself when it's all over.
Time for sleep
Since no one has posted any comments for like 5 days now I'm going to post on my own blog so I dont feel like a complete loser :P
Oh and I also got sent home from work early today because I was so tired and my boss didn't want me to fall off a ladder cause he didnt want the hastle of finding a new helper... ... Thanks.
Phil, at Mon May 29, 03:28:00 p.m.
hahah... sounds like fun phil! We have to do that movie thing again and we need to hangout more! I miss you phil I wish i could have made it to willims lake that would have been awesome.
Cole, at Tue May 30, 01:07:00 a.m.
hey sorry I didn't post! forgot to check it.
I think people will still be mad at me for the pills, but whatever, we didn't crash right?!
I gotta learn how to drive standard well enough so that we don't die next time... tee hee.
kidding of course!
from Jen!
JJ, at Wed May 31, 12:50:00 p.m.
gey no one post comments on mine either so at least your not the only loner
safromhell, at Wed May 31, 01:47:00 p.m.
And it's uber meaningful for that someone too!
I LOVE YOU!...even though you're crazy and a sleepy panda.
becca, at Sun Jun 04, 04:04:00 p.m.
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