Tactical Knife Course levels 1 & 2 COMPLETE
Well I'm done, it's over, I'm half way through the tactical knife course's that Maluco Tactical Training (the company that was teaching us) provides. which means apparently I already have more knife training than the average police officer/public safety person, which is pretty cool. It's all very basic stuff and terribly fun.
Throughout all this fun though I've been kinda worried. My nose has bled 3 times in 2 days for no apparent reason, and This morning before just after I woke up I started to caugh, and I caughed so hard that I felt like I was going to throw up, so I had a drink of water like I normally do when that feeling comes (it comes a couple times a month at least) but it didnt help, I threw up the water and the rest of the absolutely nothing in my stomache, it hurt so bad I was teary. Not Fun.
But yea I had a lot of fun this weekend, staying out till 2am and 3am with people I don't actually know, and waking up at 6:30 to go learn how to use a knife effectively... it was quite the experience. I'd also like to take some time to thank God. I thank him for creating coffee, without it I would have been screwed this weekend, today especially. I was the only one drinking coffee and I had 3 pots all to myself over the two days... it was quite tasty... although I feel like I need to brush my teeth 50 times with ultra-supreme-mega-powerful-extra whitening toothpaste.
Yea I had fun, but I'm exausted so I'm going to go look for a DVD that was rented for my B-Day and hasn't been returned yet... also... Jen, Cole, Dez I think (even though you arent here) you guys still owe me money for my B-Day dinner because I bought you all pizza. and Cole I still have your Debit Card.
Throughout all this fun though I've been kinda worried. My nose has bled 3 times in 2 days for no apparent reason, and This morning before just after I woke up I started to caugh, and I caughed so hard that I felt like I was going to throw up, so I had a drink of water like I normally do when that feeling comes (it comes a couple times a month at least) but it didnt help, I threw up the water and the rest of the absolutely nothing in my stomache, it hurt so bad I was teary. Not Fun.
But yea I had a lot of fun this weekend, staying out till 2am and 3am with people I don't actually know, and waking up at 6:30 to go learn how to use a knife effectively... it was quite the experience. I'd also like to take some time to thank God. I thank him for creating coffee, without it I would have been screwed this weekend, today especially. I was the only one drinking coffee and I had 3 pots all to myself over the two days... it was quite tasty... although I feel like I need to brush my teeth 50 times with ultra-supreme-mega-powerful-extra whitening toothpaste.
Yea I had fun, but I'm exausted so I'm going to go look for a DVD that was rented for my B-Day and hasn't been returned yet... also... Jen, Cole, Dez I think (even though you arent here) you guys still owe me money for my B-Day dinner because I bought you all pizza. and Cole I still have your Debit Card.
Guess how much the late charge is on that DVD?
...yep. That's a-spensive.
and yet, I love you anyway...
becca, at Tue May 23, 12:00:00 a.m.
Was it ten bucks for the pizza? I remember I paid you five there because I only had five, but I knew it wasn't enough.
How about, we take it off your flower tab?? and you just owe me five bucks? Thats if I have the numbers right. Anyways, I shall phone you and talk to you about it later okeydokey?!
Bye Philll!
JJ, at Tue May 23, 10:30:00 a.m.
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