Watched Closer last night and man I forgot how brutal that play/movie was. Makes me glad that I couldn't cheat on anyone. I'd much rather break up with the person than do that kind of thing to them. Anyway, foot is feeling better now. I can walk on it just fine. I think climbing up and down ladders all day at work (we do air conditioning... 30 foot ladders onto roofs. doesnt seem so bad until you realize that the middle of the ladder is moving almost 2 feet every time you take a step up or down......) really helped to work the soreness out of my tendons/bones
Tactical Knife course starts on saturday, im excited. it's going to be so much fun, I'm going to learn so much. This is the most excited I've been in such a long time. It's so nice to feel something other than sore, sick, lonely (damn you Ryan why must you be in Kemes you fucker), or exausted.
Also since I have this new job I've had the most sun I've ever had in such a long time. I swear I've already been in the sun more in the last week than I was all last Summer put together. I'm starting to get a REAL TAN! OMFG! now if only it wasnt a farmers tan.... oh well it's better than nothing.
TACTICAL KNIFE ON SATURDAY WOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!! OMFG! IM GOING TO CREAM MYSELF!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck off and die you fucked up slag. (sorry no point in that, it's just such a fun line from Closer to say)
God that play is hard to watch, lol good thing I only have 2 more shows to watch, and then maybe the one in Williams Lake if anyone wants to come. (Literally anyone, I dont want to go alone, except Celine Dion, fuck her imo. What? No one is on the telephone? thats sad, join the fucking club bitch, Awwww You're all by youself.... good at least then you wont waste anyone's time.)
Wow random anger... well since I'm not renewing my WoW account and it has expired i guess I should go do something constructive with my time.... but twhat?
Fuck you.
Tactical Knife course starts on saturday, im excited. it's going to be so much fun, I'm going to learn so much. This is the most excited I've been in such a long time. It's so nice to feel something other than sore, sick, lonely (damn you Ryan why must you be in Kemes you fucker), or exausted.
Also since I have this new job I've had the most sun I've ever had in such a long time. I swear I've already been in the sun more in the last week than I was all last Summer put together. I'm starting to get a REAL TAN! OMFG! now if only it wasnt a farmers tan.... oh well it's better than nothing.
TACTICAL KNIFE ON SATURDAY WOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!! OMFG! IM GOING TO CREAM MYSELF!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck off and die you fucked up slag. (sorry no point in that, it's just such a fun line from Closer to say)
God that play is hard to watch, lol good thing I only have 2 more shows to watch, and then maybe the one in Williams Lake if anyone wants to come. (Literally anyone, I dont want to go alone, except Celine Dion, fuck her imo. What? No one is on the telephone? thats sad, join the fucking club bitch, Awwww You're all by youself.... good at least then you wont waste anyone's time.)
Wow random anger... well since I'm not renewing my WoW account and it has expired i guess I should go do something constructive with my time.... but twhat?
Fuck you.
I would come with you to Willy's puddle phil. We'll talk about it tonight okay?
JJ, at Fri May 19, 12:42:00 p.m.
Hehe, I ruv you. You're my favorite.
Thanks for coming to the show(s). You are my favorite audience member too.
Talk to you tomorrow. Love yoU!
becca, at Fri May 19, 11:10:00 p.m.
Yeah i want to come and if we can plan it a head of time i will accually get to see it! YAY! I hate being so good at my job..:P YAY! phil for feeling better yeah if your lonely i know i boy who is always up for some fun:D MAybe try calling him! luvs yeah phil!
Cole, at Sat May 20, 02:33:00 p.m.
that sounds so dirty cole... you know exactly how to sweet talk me
Phil, at Sat May 20, 05:42:00 p.m.
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