6 days
As of today there are 6 days until the tourney begins next saturday at the CNC gym and I dont feel ready at all. My basement is a disaster because of the flood we had last thursday so I dont have room to practice. Also they have fans that are blowing warm air 24/7 into the carpet so it smells really bad and I don't get much sleep. I think I might be getting a cold too. We'll see though.
I also hate when friends dont call me back. Stupid Ryan was supposed to come with my family for Christina's birthday dinner, but he didn't want to answer his phone all 13 times we called him, oh well.
I've been grumpy all day and I dont know why, maybe its because of the lack of sleep or maybe its because of other reasons I dunno. I think I need to go talk to my doctor again soon, I'm not thinking so clearly again. but anyway im dead tired and im feeling sick from all the Mento's I ate tonight. (yea i went out and bought mentos :P )
I also hate when friends dont call me back. Stupid Ryan was supposed to come with my family for Christina's birthday dinner, but he didn't want to answer his phone all 13 times we called him, oh well.
I've been grumpy all day and I dont know why, maybe its because of the lack of sleep or maybe its because of other reasons I dunno. I think I need to go talk to my doctor again soon, I'm not thinking so clearly again. but anyway im dead tired and im feeling sick from all the Mento's I ate tonight. (yea i went out and bought mentos :P )
Yay for mentos! :D
Take care of yourself. Be happy. Know that you are loved...even if it's by a crazy wookie. That's a lot of love...wookies are pretty big. And fuzzy.
But fuzzy love for Fill. :P
becca, at Sun Apr 30, 11:43:00 p.m.
you can always come over and practice in my basement... I can clear some room for you and you can be all crazy and shit.
JJ, at Mon May 01, 08:11:00 a.m.
I'd love to jen if I find time but I doubt it. I work now until 5pm if im lucky and most classes I need to be in start at 7pm or 6:30pm. and I need food before I even try to train.
Phil, at Mon May 01, 05:19:00 p.m.
The fresh maker.
or Fillz mortal enemy.
BEWARE THE MENTOS run run if you know whats good for yazzzzz Dammm.
Ink Monkey, at Wed May 03, 03:26:00 a.m.
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