Hurray for Reachable Goals
We all have something we want to quit doing. Smokers usually want to quit smoking. Gamblers usually want to quit gambling... heh gam-bling... Anyway I have my thing.
My goal is to quit forever and never look back. This seems impossible when I think of it like that. So what did I do? I decided to break it down a bit. Instead of quitting forever, I've decided to quit for a week at a time, once that week is up, I'll continue to quit for another week.
Guess what, it's been working out brilliantly. I've barely wanted to, and I don't think I will want to this week either. It's been 16 days without it and I'm very happy with myself.
Something else that has helped a lot... Being back in Tae Kwon-Do. Not only do I get away from it more often but at the start of every class we all repeat the student Oath, which involves repeating the tenets of Tae Kwon-Do. These are: Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self Control, Indomitable Spirit. These have helped SO much.
Not so much Courtesy but the rest definitely,
Integrity - To know right from wrong and if wrong, to have the conscience to feel guilt. (don't lie)
Perseverance - Patience leads to virtue and merit; keep trying. (don't give up)
Self Control - The stronger person is the person who wins over oneself rather than someone else.
Indomitable Spirit - Standing by ones convictions even against overwhelming odds. (once I make up my mind to do something, nothing and no one will stop me. Ever.)
As long as I keep those 4 things in my mind whenever I'm tempted, and how much it means to myself that I do this... I'll never have a problem again.
Don't ask, I wont tell. If you think you can persuade me to talk, see "Indomitable Spirit"
My goal is to quit forever and never look back. This seems impossible when I think of it like that. So what did I do? I decided to break it down a bit. Instead of quitting forever, I've decided to quit for a week at a time, once that week is up, I'll continue to quit for another week.
Guess what, it's been working out brilliantly. I've barely wanted to, and I don't think I will want to this week either. It's been 16 days without it and I'm very happy with myself.
Something else that has helped a lot... Being back in Tae Kwon-Do. Not only do I get away from it more often but at the start of every class we all repeat the student Oath, which involves repeating the tenets of Tae Kwon-Do. These are: Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self Control, Indomitable Spirit. These have helped SO much.
Not so much Courtesy but the rest definitely,
Integrity - To know right from wrong and if wrong, to have the conscience to feel guilt. (don't lie)
Perseverance - Patience leads to virtue and merit; keep trying. (don't give up)
Self Control - The stronger person is the person who wins over oneself rather than someone else.
Indomitable Spirit - Standing by ones convictions even against overwhelming odds. (once I make up my mind to do something, nothing and no one will stop me. Ever.)
As long as I keep those 4 things in my mind whenever I'm tempted, and how much it means to myself that I do this... I'll never have a problem again.
Don't ask, I wont tell. If you think you can persuade me to talk, see "Indomitable Spirit"
Also, I've finally made an appointment with my Doc. Monday at 11:15am. I'm terrified.
Phil, at Fri Mar 03, 01:09:00 a.m.
Dont be scared... and some of us don't have to persuade you to talk, we're just so smart we know what you're talking about :P
Dez Dez, at Fri Mar 03, 06:50:00 p.m.
im way past scared lol. I dont like him in the first place.
Phil, at Fri Mar 03, 09:14:00 p.m.
Dude, thats SOOOOOOOO part of why I haven't made it to my Drs yet... we super don't get along, she treats me like a small, stupid child.... *grumble grumble*
Dez Dez, at Sat Mar 04, 07:41:00 a.m.
as Dianna said on your blog... when a [DR.] is being a jerk kick [Her] straight in the [Labia], [Just dont get stuck].
heheheh gross
Phil, at Sat Mar 04, 05:06:00 p.m.
Ha ha... thats actually my friend Jeremy... but good try Fill!!
Also, I like how the comments on your blog have turned into a Dez Phil conversation... lol
Dez Dez, at Sat Mar 04, 06:28:00 p.m.
it's about god damn time someone decided to post on my blog more than once. it makes me very happy
Phil, at Sun Mar 05, 12:00:00 a.m.
I was starting to wonder if people only read it because they felt they had to. :P
Phil, at Sun Mar 05, 12:00:00 a.m.
I read it a lot. sometimes I just dont want to do the fucking word verification. I'm proud of you phiiiiiil!
Good seeing you last night!
JJ, at Sun Mar 05, 07:40:00 a.m.
what you dont want to play with my word verification. FINE! I'll take it OFF then. Pshhh.
hehe. oh son of a bit! *smacks himself in the head* i should have done that before i posted this... /sigh
pxgjtmz the very last word verif on my blog... so fitting. good bye word verification, I'd tell you I'm going to miss you. but im trying not to lie anymore.
Phil, at Sun Mar 05, 09:18:00 p.m.
omg I have 10 comments on one post!!! im so happy. and only half of them are mine! yeay dez and jen thanks for the help!
(yea thats right no word verification on this post. bitches!!!)
Phil, at Sun Mar 05, 09:20:00 p.m.
Phil you so funny
Dez Dez, at Mon Mar 06, 10:01:00 a.m.
I'm happy for you. AND, uber happy about the doctor's appointment.
By the way, this makes 13 comments...aren't you excited!?
becca, at Mon Mar 06, 01:03:00 p.m.
I haven even read the blog yet but by the post i think it's abotu phils doctor and reachable goals I just wanted to be the 14th post! whahahah
Cole, at Mon Mar 06, 01:10:00 p.m.
Ok I was half right... it was abotu phils goals raw raw way to go phil!
Cole, at Mon Mar 06, 01:13:00 p.m.
omg 15 comments holy fuck stick! so happy :D. this makes 16. wewt. time to make a new post!
Phil, at Mon Mar 06, 10:09:00 p.m.
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