Lessons I've learned
1. If you were alone most of you life you dont realize how much it hurt until you have company.
2. Walls you build are much harder to tear down than they were to build up.
3. Light may be all warm and happy, but you cant hide.
4. Physical activity is so much harder when you dont eat anything for a day and a half. (dont try that at home, it sucks, you get all dizzy and you get a massive headache, and your eyes go bloodshot and your face feels like it's on fire)
5. You never know what you have until you lose it.
6. You realize afterward that what you meant, and how it came across, are two completely different things.
7. Lacking people and language skills because you have been on your own most of the time is a very bad thing when trying to explain what you meant in number 6.
8. No matter how bad you think it is, and no matter how much worse it gets, if you are still alive, that's all you need.
9. Think before you say something, because you can Never, Ever, take back your words
10. Sticks and Stone may break my bones, but those are only flesh wounds.
11. War is not cool, and never will be.
12. Life does not kick you while you down.
13. Nothing will change unless you try to change it.
14. You don't deserve anything, you earn it.
15. Trust is one of the most precious things a person can give you.
16. It is also very hard to earn back someone's trust once you break it.
17. Setting realistic short term goals, helps when trying to achive what you and others consitter "Imposible"
18. Changing a bad habit can improve more aspects of you life than you think it will.
19. Shadow Priests in World of Warcraft melt faces.
20. Dwarf Mounts, ie. Rams, are so cute.
21. When you promise to do something, do it. Even if it's taken so long that it no longer matters to anyone but yourself.
22. Nothing is more precious than the life of someone you love.
23. Knowing yourself and your own limit's saves you from a lot of physical and mental pain.
24. Happy music can sometimes make you more sad.
25. Feeling can hurt, but not feeling hurts more.
2. Walls you build are much harder to tear down than they were to build up.
3. Light may be all warm and happy, but you cant hide.
4. Physical activity is so much harder when you dont eat anything for a day and a half. (dont try that at home, it sucks, you get all dizzy and you get a massive headache, and your eyes go bloodshot and your face feels like it's on fire)
5. You never know what you have until you lose it.
6. You realize afterward that what you meant, and how it came across, are two completely different things.
7. Lacking people and language skills because you have been on your own most of the time is a very bad thing when trying to explain what you meant in number 6.
8. No matter how bad you think it is, and no matter how much worse it gets, if you are still alive, that's all you need.
9. Think before you say something, because you can Never, Ever, take back your words
10. Sticks and Stone may break my bones, but those are only flesh wounds.
11. War is not cool, and never will be.
12. Life does not kick you while you down.
13. Nothing will change unless you try to change it.
14. You don't deserve anything, you earn it.
15. Trust is one of the most precious things a person can give you.
16. It is also very hard to earn back someone's trust once you break it.
17. Setting realistic short term goals, helps when trying to achive what you and others consitter "Imposible"
18. Changing a bad habit can improve more aspects of you life than you think it will.
19. Shadow Priests in World of Warcraft melt faces.
20. Dwarf Mounts, ie. Rams, are so cute.
21. When you promise to do something, do it. Even if it's taken so long that it no longer matters to anyone but yourself.
22. Nothing is more precious than the life of someone you love.
23. Knowing yourself and your own limit's saves you from a lot of physical and mental pain.
24. Happy music can sometimes make you more sad.
25. Feeling can hurt, but not feeling hurts more.
Dez Dez, at Tue Feb 21, 11:27:00 a.m.
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