Olive Grove's for everyone
So I've been listening to An Olive Grove Facing the Sea by Snow Patrol again and holy crap its a beautiful song. no wonder why it reminds me of Becca every time i hear it. Anyway...
I'm so happy. I'm finally starting to remember my patterns. I'm working on the Red Belt pattern now. so hopefully this week i can get it down perfect. I've decided to start going to the Friday 6pm-7pm classes for patterns, so i can get very specific help from Mr. O and i can start looking like a Black Belt again. woot for me!
In money news today, I've dropped out of collage and am still probably going to owe about $70ish for my 1 course, apparently i was registered for 4 courses, 3 of which i wasnt actually elligble for but still had to pay tuition for *raises left eyebrow*, so that debt will jsut be cancled. Also my car is now insurred again and im only paying $211 per month. SOOOO much better than $318, which is what i was paying all last year. woot for 3 years safe driving after my accident. so happy about that.
In health new's talked to a councellor at the collage (while i was becoming the second collage dropout in my family) about my career choices and we somehow got on the topic of my Fathers death and other things and now sometime very soon im going to talk to my family doctor too! yeay for me. I might get to join the I'm crazy and need to take meds club. who knows... Come to think of it, the only thing that will change will be that I take meds.. im already CRAZY!!!
*stares into the faces of those reading this*
*keeps staring*
*keeps staring*
*Suddenly Lunges forward while making an "I'm going to eat your nose" face*
*goes back to staring*
*remember's that he's very hungry and goes to find food*
I'm so happy. I'm finally starting to remember my patterns. I'm working on the Red Belt pattern now. so hopefully this week i can get it down perfect. I've decided to start going to the Friday 6pm-7pm classes for patterns, so i can get very specific help from Mr. O and i can start looking like a Black Belt again. woot for me!
In money news today, I've dropped out of collage and am still probably going to owe about $70ish for my 1 course, apparently i was registered for 4 courses, 3 of which i wasnt actually elligble for but still had to pay tuition for *raises left eyebrow*, so that debt will jsut be cancled. Also my car is now insurred again and im only paying $211 per month. SOOOO much better than $318, which is what i was paying all last year. woot for 3 years safe driving after my accident. so happy about that.
In health new's talked to a councellor at the collage (while i was becoming the second collage dropout in my family) about my career choices and we somehow got on the topic of my Fathers death and other things and now sometime very soon im going to talk to my family doctor too! yeay for me. I might get to join the I'm crazy and need to take meds club. who knows... Come to think of it, the only thing that will change will be that I take meds.. im already CRAZY!!!
*stares into the faces of those reading this*
*keeps staring*
*keeps staring*
*Suddenly Lunges forward while making an "I'm going to eat your nose" face*
*goes back to staring*
*remember's that he's very hungry and goes to find food*
How does one drop out of a collage?!? Generally one sticks all the pictures together using glue, or tape, or sometimes its computer generated... oh wait, you mean COLLEGE... I see...
*sigh* we're all messed up... except Mel, and I think she's prolly got the most right to be messed up... wtf happened with her?! Lol... I'm kinda the only one who hasn't seen a Dr. tho... *runs and hides*
Dez Dez, at Wed Feb 15, 01:58:00 a.m.
i never said i could speel, infakt i speel vary badley. vary vary badley
Phil, at Wed Feb 15, 10:15:00 a.m.
He spelt it like that on porpoise.
You know what, Dez? I think Mel's the messed up one and all the rest of us are normal...it would only make sense...:P
Love you, fieeellluuuh!
becca, at Wed Feb 15, 03:37:00 p.m.
Ha ha... omg, you're sssooooooooo right!! I mean, 1 out of every 4 ppl is clinically insane... look at your three best friends, if they're fine, grab a mirror. Or how about, in a room of freaks, the normal person is the freak. It all makes so much more sense now... we should try and be understanding and console melissa about being fucked up tho... it only seems fair.
Dez Dez, at Wed Feb 15, 05:06:00 p.m.
Fill I am officially here to congratulate and welcome you to the ELITE of the mentally fucked up, college dropout. We have meetings every 3rd tuesday of the month. Hell maybe we can go to a meeting together.
Once again, welcome... you're elite.
Jenny Garfield
(vice president/co-founder)
JJ, at Thu Feb 16, 06:00:00 p.m.
I wish I could join...*sniff* I'll just have to drop out of school now...then I'm qualified!
And when we see Mel: "There, there, Melissa. You're not a freak, you're just...special." *pats Mel on the head*
becca, at Fri Feb 17, 12:42:00 a.m.
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