
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Things I do for my friends....

Ok, so after leaving Mel's house last night Ryan and I go for food at Denny's (omfg i eat there way too much no wonder why im still out of shape) and Mike comes up to me and asks if im working tomorrow (which is today, wednesday) and i say no, and he's like hmm thats wierd you're scheduled on the back 5pm-1am.

and then i realize that i took Dezzy's shift so she could go to Vancouver, and I forgot all about it, (even though she remineded me.... twice.) so i ask mike to work 8 days in a row and take my 5-1... obviously he sais no.

So then i wake up this morning after having dreams all night of running away from something. (at one point it turned into me buying a motor bike but they were all too small for me, and the motorbike that "would" have been big enough... turned out to be a piece of vynal siding that didnt have a motor (the vynal siding was the frame of the bike... wtf?)

anyway i wake up this morning and call denny's to see if i can get it switch. then after half an hour of calling around I owe 2 people favors, Tanja is working my 5-1 even though she got home last night from the same shift at 1:40am and got up for school at 7:30am... and I took her 3pm-8pm shift.

now I would have been ok with that because I still could have had my meeting with Mr.O, except that I remember my friends wanted to go bowling, and it was a big thing about them getting dinner on time too, so if i bailed that would suck... so I called Kyla, and now Kyla is working my 3pm-8pm.

So now I have the entire night off once more, and I owe Tanja and Kyla favors. Yeay me.

now it's 10:38... 39 and I'm cold so BACK TO BED! yeay!


  • I love getting out of the shower and hearing Charriots of Fire as i walk to my room to get changed. it some how seems so satisfying.

    Also I need to learn how to spell.

    By Blogger Phil, at Wed Feb 22, 11:50:00 a.m.  

  • omg i'm such a loser. I check my blog to see if anyone commented. dont know why i dont get many comments from ppl. and i look at the bottom of this post and see 1 comment. and i think sweet. someone commented lets read it... so i click to read it... and it was me commenting on myself... YEAY! im going to go cry in a corner now.

    By Blogger Phil, at Wed Feb 22, 11:28:00 p.m.  

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