Snow Patrol - Olive Grove Facing The Sea
This song is Decidated To Becca
Forever in my mind and my heart will this be your song.
I will always Love you, no matter what.
Forever in my mind and my heart will this be your song.
I will always Love you, no matter what.
Sworn to secrecy, I might go after school
She was an angel, I saw her swimming there
I am in such a mess, I can't cope without this
She just teases, me pretends she can't see me here
So let me go out there
I can breathe fresh air
Stay with you all night
Just let me love you
Just for a while, want to
Be with you all night
Be with you all night
Until I fall asleep
Just let me be here
I won't tell anyone
Don't want to wake up
The blind lead the blind so why can't I find my way
This could be Heaven but I don't know where I am
I am too scared to come out from behind here
My body is aching, it feels like it's wearing me
its time to put my life back together. time to stop feeling so lost and confused and alone, time to wake up and enjoy myself.
I'm not saying this is going to be easy, infact forgetting what hurts is going to be the hardest thing ive ever done, ever. but its time. i cant stand these feelings anymore.
This doesnt mean that I no longer care, Infact it's quite the opposite, I'm always, always, going to care. More than you'll ever know. I just can't continue thinking this way.
After this you will never see how I hurt, because its not fair to you when you're trying to be happy to know how much it pains me. and that is what i want for you. I want you to be Truely Happy. above everything I always wanted you to be truely happy.
So, first things first.... learn to play this song on the bass, and never forget it.
(ok well honestly first thing is to clean my room so I can actually GET to my bass)
First day of the rest of my life starts now.
I love you. Forever.
becca, at Wed Dec 14, 12:49:00 a.m.
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