Here in Fills car do do Here in Fills car do do
Wowzers it sure has been a long time since I posted last... but i had nothing nice to say, and "[my] Mom always used to say that if you can't say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all. Luckily for me, she never said anything about just walking up and knocking the shit out of them" (Dez) so i decided to do niether... yeay for working quotes into a sentance so that they make sence. or maybe that was just me.. i dunno... and guess what... i dont care... wow what am I talking about? Not a clue but oh well rambling can be fun too... so what have i been doing for the last little while? Puking, eating, Puking, eating, Puking... no im not belimic ive been sick for about a month and a half with something like the stomache flu, its not fun... oh and then yesterday guess what? i get a sore throaght and a caugh too. holy crap i cant spell... i dont even know where im going with this but i was told to post anyway so yea... Had coffee with a friend on sunday... that was interesing... Was kinda hungry but mostly i felt kinda sick to my stomache.. so what do I do?? have a Medium roast black coffee with 2 sugars.... 15 minutes later i was shaking so bad i was getting strange looks from people... so we decide that maybe food will help fix me.... yea it did... but not for another hour or so after eating it... i finally quit shaking about half an hour before we went home... crazy day... failing most if not all of my classes at school im pretty sure... and i think i have to pay for all my classes for the spring semister tomorrow but i cant afford them all so i dunno what im going to do... i do know that i dont want to work for a semister but yea wow im so lost and im the one writing this... good luck to anyone who reads it... i like how i didnt puncuate properly and i barely tryed to spell too... thats awesome... plus i didnt press enter once... ok thats a like i did press enter but then i went back and fixed it so that its just one big long sentance and anyone who reads it are going to be like omfgwtfmang?!?! and then they'll just slap me next time they see me but thats ok cause ive been feeling kinda fiesty and want a good fight... though that'll be hard to find unless people team up on me and dont mind getting hurt but im going to stop now cause ive givenupspacingandspeelingandprettymuchall normalconversationskillsitstoobadthati
I'll have you know that I have also been sick and puking for the last two weeks. And... I am failing some of my classes as well... AND the doctors say its because of stress.
I think we need to de-stress-a-tize by watching every single episode of transformers.
JJ, at Wed Nov 30, 11:06:00 p.m.
Dez Dez, at Thu Dec 01, 10:47:00 a.m.
becca, at Thu Dec 01, 11:50:00 p.m.
Fill dude .... sorry about the extream suckage of life atm... I hope things pick up for you :).
Transformers....hmmmm how about Bleach, or or Naruto but Naruto would be like 54 hours not counting the intro time and jank that would be like two and then some days.
Ink Monkey, at Sat Dec 03, 09:28:00 a.m.
Yes Fine... ic where this is goign phil starts to type bad and it's a fade I have been doing it my whole life and nothing!! hahahh sorry to hear about the uber sickness bud but you have the christmass party tonight so that should be sex-a-tonic so have lots and lots of fun!
Cole, at Sun Dec 04, 11:31:00 a.m.
NO sex will be had by me tonight :( other than joke sex and that's just not as good... i think?
Phil, at Sun Dec 04, 06:11:00 p.m.
You didn't get joke sex, but you DID get to have that picture with mine and your tongue... and then taht thing wtih Josh, so that might've actually been REAL sex...
Dez Dez, at Fri Dec 09, 06:44:00 p.m.
might have been but it wasnt /cry
no one will sex me. except cole but i just use him for his body
Phil, at Sat Dec 10, 12:43:00 a.m.
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