
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

My abs hurt.

Feeling a lot better today. I spent most of the last 2 days cleaning my room... and now my room is so clean its scary... except all the stuff that was in my room is now in my living room... sorry Nadine (my sister) but if you can do it so can I haha :P

While I was cleaning I was alos trying to get back into shape... I have realize how incredibly out of shape I am... I used to be able to "almost" do the splits.. (I was only about 4 inches from doing full splits) now im at least a foot... more like a foot and a half :S sucks to be me..

But man my abs hurt now. While taking a break from cleaning I decided it would be fun to do Crunches as fast as possible so the pain would come after i was done.... bad idea... I got to about 50 in a row and then BLAM! i couldnt move my abs lol.. poor things. and then later I did another 10 and had to stop for a few hours... all in all i did about 300 today... and the last time I did any at all was a good year or more ago... ouch.

Pushups sucked too... got to 15 and my lower back gave out. It's weak. Oh well its a start i guess.

Also i can't find any Bass Tabs for "Olive Garden". I'm kinda pissed. Though i think once i get back into bass a lot im going to try to tab it out for myself. so if anyone knows of a program that i can obtain "legally" that can slow down music but not change the tone then let me know the name and i'll go "buy" it.

For once i have a new years resolution....

"Get back into Tae Kwon Do"

Peace out homies (geek nasal accent)


  • All you've done is clean, and you couldn't answer your phone and come have dinner with me?!?! Gah!!

    And do you want your lecture on how stupid you were about excersize and stretching now or later?!?!

    *uber Dez hugs*


    By Blogger Dez Dez, at Thu Dec 15, 11:45:00 a.m.  

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