Whats the point
Ok so I'm seriously thinking of deleting this blog, whats the point? I post funny video's and no one comments, I talk about my life, and no one comments, I post songs that make me feel something and no one comments. The only reason I post post songs that make me feel something is to find out what other people thing about them. the only reason I post about my life is to let people know whats going on, but if no one comments I assume no one reads, as do you all :P. The only reason I post funny video's is to see people's reactions.
So.... this will be my last post and in a couple weeks i'll delete this cause it seems like a waste of time.
KK bye ^^
So.... this will be my last post and in a couple weeks i'll delete this cause it seems like a waste of time.
KK bye ^^
hey post a country song and i'll understand it enough to say something. you know let me know about the dog getting run over while it was out chasing its tail or something... or about you truck dying. that i know about songs. other than that if you give up on the blog i will have nothing to read at night. i still post mine and very few times do i get a post back but i know its read cause well that just what dez does. always read not always commented on thats what i always say :?
safromhell, at Thu Sep 07, 04:42:00 a.m.
no country!! it's too painful...
no one comments on my blog either
I just love posting what I love!! lol
Rebecca, at Thu Sep 07, 07:49:00 a.m.
OH you're such a baby!!!
Hardly anyone comments on my blog either.... adn NOONE comments on Jenny's blog....... however, we all read it, in fact, I check it DAILY to see if you've updated... I don't comment on songs, b/c sometimes words aren't enough... unless, like Chris said, its country... lol!! So suck it up!! I thikn if you use the blog to communicate whats going on.. its awesome...... as we all get busier in life, its easier to keep up with whats going on... I love that I sent out e=mails and posted on my blog while I was away, cause I didn't ahve to constantly fill everyone in when I got home!!
Dez Dez, at Thu Sep 07, 11:33:00 a.m.
I read it to see what is going on in the world of phil. And also I do see the funny video's you post up.
it would be a shame for you to stop posting for us, but if you don't want to do it then I guess it's whatever is best for you.
bye pheeolll.
mentos + diet coke = soon.
JJ, at Thu Sep 07, 12:59:00 p.m.
Whats a C-o-m-m-e-n-t.... comment. Thats a alien word aint it >.<
Anywho ... last Bleach... KICKED ASS.
Your in the way.
lol love it. Btw did you find your tele yet?
Ink Monkey, at Sat Sep 09, 06:07:00 a.m.
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