Keep Moving Keep Moving Dont Fall Over Keep Moving
Now I know why Police Officers call the P.A.R.E. the "Physical of Fire". I got burned.
Ok everyone, gather around find a chair to sit in, snuggle up to one another its story time from Phil's house.
This past weeking knowing that I had to do the PARE on thursday I wanted to Eat healthy, get lots of sleep and go for run's every day. But me being as lazy as I am didnt eat healthy (I had Mc Donalds and Wendy's 5 out of 10 days since I signed up to take the pare) I havent really slept well because I've been sleeping on a Couch since I dont have a room right now, (New carpet/paint/too tired from latenights to work on it) and I rarely go for runs.
So PARE day comes and I went to bed at 11:30pm and woke up at 5am for work. at 11am I go home and on the way home I decided to have breakfast before going to bed for an hour of sleep before I had to leave. Didnt happen, I got home and crashed in the spare room which is the only bed other than my mom's in the house right now. Woke up at 12:30 (I had to be there at 1:15) and ate breakfast
A bowl of cereal, a blueberry bagel, about 2 inches of salami cut from one of those round meat things that fit so nicely on ritz crackers, and 2 eggs... ate it all in 10 minutes at about 12:45... Really bad breakfast, really bad Idea to eat that much of so many random things such a short time before I had to run like a crazy man.
I left my house at 1:10pm (knowing that I had to be there at 1:15) and because I was in such a rush I forgot ALL my paperwork. So I had to call Christina, my fricken awesome sister, and ask her to drive to my house pick up my stuff and drive down to the YMCA where the test was being done.
It was bloody cold in that gym plus I was nervous and scared. There were 6 other people who were doing the test and I was the youngest and skinnyest by 5 years and 10-15 lbs of muscle..
Christina showed up with my papers while the second guy was running and she left right away. so because my papers were late I got to go last.
The two guys who went in front of me were both Regular Members (Full Police Officers) and their test is a little bit different than an applicants. After the 6 laps around the course you have to use a machine called a push pull machine. Regular Members push and pull 80 lbs applicants push and pull 70lbs. Well they forgot to take the extra 10 lbs off before I ran my test so I was trying to push the 80lbs... and I made it about 90 degrees of the 180 you have to push it (6 times by hte way) when I ran completely out of energy and dropped the weight. thats when one of the helpers noticed the extra weight so I got a 5 second break while they took the weight off.
Did the push, did the wall thing, did the pull and my timed portion was done. As I was walking off the exaustion She read out my time. I had to get 4 minutes 45 seconds to pass. She read out 4:50. I almost fell over. Then she corrected herself and said 4:20 including my 1 fault ( My toe hit the mat I was supposed to jump over, 5 second fault i think)
so anyway I finished the 80 lbs. carry and tryed to walk off the rest of the exaustion. I almost fell over so I decided to sit and rest by the wall. This helped at first. Then my legs started to ache. So I had to move them while staying sitting, that was interesting.
Anyway the only people left in the gym at this point was a young regular officer, maybe 28, the examiner and myself. The officer and the examiner were both talking and what not when I said
"I dont feel so good"
The officers head snapped around to look at me (He was sitting with his back to me) and the examiner looked up too. I decided I was fine and didnt need any help and they went back to talking.
The officer got up and left the gym for a couple seconds and thats when I said it again..
"I dont feel very good"
so the examiner went and got me a glass of water because I was dehydrated.. (as I found out later so dehydrated It took an hour of constantly drinking 100ml or 2ooml of water every 3 minutes to get me back to a healthy state)
so I sat there with my water while the officer and the examiner talked some more. Then I had a couple sips... and as soon as I did I knew it was over..
"I think I'm going to be sick" were my next words... the examine rushed off to get me a towel and the officer helped me up and walked me over towards the door to the outside.
While en route he said "It's ok dont feel bad, absolutely everyone gets sick at least once, usually more than once."
Then I touched the door handle and I was already puking. I flung the door open took a couple steps onto the grass and collapsed onto my hands and knees where I stayed for 5 minutes puking up chunks of salami and blueberry bagels and eggs, the cereal was kind of mixed in betweend everything so I couldnt actually feel any chunks come out.
After I was done puking I wiped off my face with the towel, flipped it over and used it as a pillow as I lay down beside my puddle of vomit. The examiner made me come inside and told me to drink lost and lost of water and not to drive until I felt I was no longer dizzy and I could see straight again.
an hour later I got up and left.
Physical of Fire... damn right. Next time... actually prepare for it.
Ok everyone, gather around find a chair to sit in, snuggle up to one another its story time from Phil's house.
This past weeking knowing that I had to do the PARE on thursday I wanted to Eat healthy, get lots of sleep and go for run's every day. But me being as lazy as I am didnt eat healthy (I had Mc Donalds and Wendy's 5 out of 10 days since I signed up to take the pare) I havent really slept well because I've been sleeping on a Couch since I dont have a room right now, (New carpet/paint/too tired from latenights to work on it) and I rarely go for runs.
So PARE day comes and I went to bed at 11:30pm and woke up at 5am for work. at 11am I go home and on the way home I decided to have breakfast before going to bed for an hour of sleep before I had to leave. Didnt happen, I got home and crashed in the spare room which is the only bed other than my mom's in the house right now. Woke up at 12:30 (I had to be there at 1:15) and ate breakfast
A bowl of cereal, a blueberry bagel, about 2 inches of salami cut from one of those round meat things that fit so nicely on ritz crackers, and 2 eggs... ate it all in 10 minutes at about 12:45... Really bad breakfast, really bad Idea to eat that much of so many random things such a short time before I had to run like a crazy man.
I left my house at 1:10pm (knowing that I had to be there at 1:15) and because I was in such a rush I forgot ALL my paperwork. So I had to call Christina, my fricken awesome sister, and ask her to drive to my house pick up my stuff and drive down to the YMCA where the test was being done.
It was bloody cold in that gym plus I was nervous and scared. There were 6 other people who were doing the test and I was the youngest and skinnyest by 5 years and 10-15 lbs of muscle..
Christina showed up with my papers while the second guy was running and she left right away. so because my papers were late I got to go last.
The two guys who went in front of me were both Regular Members (Full Police Officers) and their test is a little bit different than an applicants. After the 6 laps around the course you have to use a machine called a push pull machine. Regular Members push and pull 80 lbs applicants push and pull 70lbs. Well they forgot to take the extra 10 lbs off before I ran my test so I was trying to push the 80lbs... and I made it about 90 degrees of the 180 you have to push it (6 times by hte way) when I ran completely out of energy and dropped the weight. thats when one of the helpers noticed the extra weight so I got a 5 second break while they took the weight off.
Did the push, did the wall thing, did the pull and my timed portion was done. As I was walking off the exaustion She read out my time. I had to get 4 minutes 45 seconds to pass. She read out 4:50. I almost fell over. Then she corrected herself and said 4:20 including my 1 fault ( My toe hit the mat I was supposed to jump over, 5 second fault i think)
so anyway I finished the 80 lbs. carry and tryed to walk off the rest of the exaustion. I almost fell over so I decided to sit and rest by the wall. This helped at first. Then my legs started to ache. So I had to move them while staying sitting, that was interesting.
Anyway the only people left in the gym at this point was a young regular officer, maybe 28, the examiner and myself. The officer and the examiner were both talking and what not when I said
"I dont feel so good"
The officers head snapped around to look at me (He was sitting with his back to me) and the examiner looked up too. I decided I was fine and didnt need any help and they went back to talking.
The officer got up and left the gym for a couple seconds and thats when I said it again..
"I dont feel very good"
so the examiner went and got me a glass of water because I was dehydrated.. (as I found out later so dehydrated It took an hour of constantly drinking 100ml or 2ooml of water every 3 minutes to get me back to a healthy state)
so I sat there with my water while the officer and the examiner talked some more. Then I had a couple sips... and as soon as I did I knew it was over..
"I think I'm going to be sick" were my next words... the examine rushed off to get me a towel and the officer helped me up and walked me over towards the door to the outside.
While en route he said "It's ok dont feel bad, absolutely everyone gets sick at least once, usually more than once."
Then I touched the door handle and I was already puking. I flung the door open took a couple steps onto the grass and collapsed onto my hands and knees where I stayed for 5 minutes puking up chunks of salami and blueberry bagels and eggs, the cereal was kind of mixed in betweend everything so I couldnt actually feel any chunks come out.
After I was done puking I wiped off my face with the towel, flipped it over and used it as a pillow as I lay down beside my puddle of vomit. The examiner made me come inside and told me to drink lost and lost of water and not to drive until I felt I was no longer dizzy and I could see straight again.
an hour later I got up and left.
Physical of Fire... damn right. Next time... actually prepare for it.
oh yea... by the way... I hate blueberry bagels now.
Phil, at Fri Sep 15, 04:32:00 p.m.
ha ha.... that tends to happen... like, Baha Rosa... it tastes the same comming up as it does going down... one bad experience is generally enough for any drinker.
It was weird reading your blog, after already hearing about the events... but neat, b/c there were details here you forgot to tell me, or things you told me you forgot to put here... tee hee.
Dez Dez, at Sat Sep 16, 01:28:00 a.m.
Oh, poor phil I hope that won't effect your out come. Sound like you had a very exciting week. I know what it's like over working your self in a work out when I was in boxing you got into 6 groups of 3 for every punching bag. So any ways their was the people who did it for fun and the people who worked hard and their was the pros. For a week I was put on the pro bag because they need a new guy. Needless to say I was Puking after every work out they would push you so hard. But after that week the other bags were so easy. Yeah so my moral is puking not fun.
Cole, at Sat Sep 16, 01:54:00 a.m.
however phil if you want the next time i will get you some of my aunts lasanga.. (if that is spelled right) it tastes as good coming up as it does going down.... yes that sounds gross, but it is true, i got car sick a few hours after eating it and it was tasty both ways (no it wasn't food poisoning so every one knows) :P
safromhell, at Sat Sep 16, 04:51:00 a.m.
ps you asked about the song on my blog it is big and rich never mind me.... however i can not find it on youtube...... or yahoo... so either download it or buy the album...... we're comeing to your city, unless you have another way to get the song, cause all i found on you tube we're weird guys doing lame things. (the closest to big and rich i found was under holy water and it was a bunch of drunk kids taling about booze. not the song sorry mybe i don't know what i am doing there but i did a search i tryed
safromhell, at Sat Sep 16, 05:47:00 a.m.
How does one drink lost water?
Dez Dez, at Sun Sep 17, 02:24:00 a.m.
wow phil.
I remember my friend Justin going through this last year, and everyone but him ended up puking... it really is the way things work. Crazy fucking police officers!
I hope you started to feel better really fast. I also need to catch up with you because our last conversation was cut short.
I will talk to you on msn maybe? I could call too...
Love Jenny.
JJ, at Sun Sep 17, 11:52:00 a.m.
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Ink Monkey, at Mon Sep 18, 10:03:00 p.m.
>.< Dam that really sucks....
These things happen though when you push to hard. I hate that feeling in your stomach... got it lots in boxing. Its like do a 20 min run 30 min bag work out and then spare and by spareI mean noobs (like me) get to practise blocking punches with there face and then the body shot comes and your done.
Ha ha I just read your post Cole ... I love boxing. Which gym did you go to?
Anyway hope all goes well Phil. Ttyl.
BTW.....Hey kid do you like muffins? How about blueberry Muffins? come on just try me... Im really tasty...
Ink Monkey, at Mon Sep 18, 10:04:00 p.m.
Muffin Films Own your Face
Phil, at Tue Sep 19, 02:57:00 a.m.
Ha ha... see Phil, if you ACTUALLY post, ppl will comment... alot apparently.
Maybe you should retitle your blog to, "My applying for the RCMP experience, and songs"
Dez Dez, at Tue Sep 19, 09:04:00 a.m.
Phil, at Tue Sep 19, 08:17:00 p.m.
Time for a new post imo... here it goes!
Phil, at Tue Sep 19, 08:17:00 p.m.
so... how bout that post?
Dez Dez, at Thu Sep 21, 10:45:00 a.m.
Decided against it.
Phil, at Thu Sep 21, 05:39:00 p.m.
i think you should decide against deciding against posting. Yeah thats right, I said it.
Anonymous, at Fri Sep 22, 08:28:00 p.m.
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