Public Nudity Should Be Legal
I hate clothes. Clothes suck. If I had the choice I'd run around all day every day NAKED! That's right, buck fucking naked. My reasons you ask? Well it's simple.
Washing clothes sucks.
yup. That's my only reason for myself walking around naked. I do not like washing clothes. It's so annoying and time consuming. If, perhaps, one forgets to move the clothes from the washing machine to the drying machine once they are finished washing, after a certain period one finds themselves without clothes that smell clean. Infect these "newly washed clothes" smell like mould, and mould does not in any way smell good.
Thus one would conclude that not wearing clothes (though not the best possible answer, since it is but one of many) is a way to fix the moldy clean clothes dilemma.
But since public nudity is outlawed, *sniff sniff*, I find myself with a Delano. I can either rewash my clean clothes or I can dry them anyway and wear mould smelling clean clothes. Obviously being that I enjoy smelling clean, I find myself rewashing my clean clothes. Which also leads to another problem.
My work uniform was in this batch of "clean clothes" that I had to rewash, and since I do not have enough time between the end of the rewash cycle and the end of the drying cycle before I must leave for work, I must wear partially dry clothes to work.
I'm going to chafe so bad.
*grimaces and heads for the rewashed clean laundry that isn't completely dry yet but I must wear anyway otherwise I'd be late for a job I don't really like in the first place*
Washing clothes sucks.
yup. That's my only reason for myself walking around naked. I do not like washing clothes. It's so annoying and time consuming. If, perhaps, one forgets to move the clothes from the washing machine to the drying machine once they are finished washing, after a certain period one finds themselves without clothes that smell clean. Infect these "newly washed clothes" smell like mould, and mould does not in any way smell good.
Thus one would conclude that not wearing clothes (though not the best possible answer, since it is but one of many) is a way to fix the moldy clean clothes dilemma.
But since public nudity is outlawed, *sniff sniff*, I find myself with a Delano. I can either rewash my clean clothes or I can dry them anyway and wear mould smelling clean clothes. Obviously being that I enjoy smelling clean, I find myself rewashing my clean clothes. Which also leads to another problem.
My work uniform was in this batch of "clean clothes" that I had to rewash, and since I do not have enough time between the end of the rewash cycle and the end of the drying cycle before I must leave for work, I must wear partially dry clothes to work.
I'm going to chafe so bad.
*grimaces and heads for the rewashed clean laundry that isn't completely dry yet but I must wear anyway otherwise I'd be late for a job I don't really like in the first place*
My goodness! Life sounds hard on poor Phil muffin!! Buuuuuttt.... you don't actually have to rewash the clothes, just rerun the rinse cycle... having been in your delema before, its really just that simple. Hope works good for you, but I'll see you at teh end of your shift anyways.
Dez Dez, at Fri Oct 14, 05:28:00 p.m.
Dez Dez, at Fri Oct 14, 07:12:00 p.m.
Dont correct me :P
Phil, at Sat Oct 15, 04:22:00 p.m.
LLAMA!!!...llamas do make that noise, by the way.
becca, at Sat Oct 15, 05:10:00 p.m.
I was actually correcting me! You think its allllll about you don't you?!?!?
Dez Dez, at Sat Oct 15, 05:26:00 p.m.
But if we were all naked all the time we would never have that weirdness when you walk in on some one naked...oh how I love those moments yet i haven't had the cahnce to experiance one but i believe it's awesome!!
Cole, at Sun Oct 16, 04:09:00 a.m.
Hmm...and if we were always naked, it would have been even STRANGER when Cole wore his wedding dress to the show the other night...
becca, at Sun Oct 16, 10:46:00 a.m.
What IS Strange? I lost that concept when...ummm...actually i don't know when but i think it was in grade 9
Cole, at Mon Oct 17, 03:21:00 a.m.
Annnnndddd..... I think you should update your blog now!
Dez Dez, at Wed Oct 19, 12:55:00 a.m.
No. I refuse.
Phil, at Wed Oct 19, 11:23:00 a.m.
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