"And the answer is.... 42"
Ok. it's official I hate my job. worst 3 days EVER. plus im so confused about life in general... my brain is so tired of thinking and yet it wont stop. and blah blah my life sucks right now. might explain. probably wont. *cries all alone in a corner*
That really sucks Phil, but you're not really alone, know where you're comming from, not that ppl saying that is EVER a comfort, but now you cant' say i didn't try!!! lol! *hugs* Work'll get better, i mean, come on, whats wrong with washing dishes! :P They actually make me do it from time to time as well... *sigh* Anyways, i'm kinda rambling... so I'll go get ready for work *mutter mutter* BYYYEE!!! *tickles you till you fall to ground!* MWa ha ha ha ha
Dez Dez, at Sun Oct 09, 05:20:00 p.m.
AHA! I"m sorry, i'm beign random, and you're next inline for it!!!
Your mom's next in line!! Oooohhhhh.... did you see that comming?! Huh?!! HUH?!?! DIDJA!?!?! DIdn't think sooooo.... you to slow for me!!!!
I'd say your moms slow, but then i'd be lying!!! Eeehee hee, i lie in bed, *drum roll* *wipes a tear* I'm so funny.... ha ha.... I almost wrote teat!! TEAT!!!! oh, which is kinda similar to treat! I like treats...
I saw a squirell.... it was goin like this: Chk chk... *nibbles on hand* *attacks some passer by*
Eh, i grow weary of your presence.... be gone.
Oh wait... I"m the one who has to leave.... but i'm tttoooo lazy....*sigh* FINE! Be taht way!!
Pptttthhhhhhhhhhhbbbbbbbbbbbb :P!
Dez Dez, at Sun Oct 09, 05:42:00 p.m.
I have never met her in my life :|...she is crazy, CRAZY AS A MOOOSE which on day i will tame and ride ever were naked... not dez but the moose you see! ummm...yes wheeee hehehehhehe
you tell me lies muffin man lies form you punnie litte eh ah ERR BRAIN!!!
ok i am done now i am goign to watch bleach and it's not the anime!!!
Cole, at Mon Oct 10, 11:45:00 a.m.
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